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New Adventures upcoming events:

This is an ongoing fundraiser, and can be used at any time.
Shopraise fundraiser
Looking to do some holiday shopping? Look no further than the ShopRaise App!
Download the app
Choose New Adventure Counseling as your preferred recipient
Find all the stores you could possibly want.
Simply shop through the app, or purchase a gift card to the store of your choice through the app, and New Adventures will automatically get a percentage of your purchase. Think of it as a replacement to the AmazonSmiles program that no longer exists.
Shop now. Do good. It's a win-win!

New Adventures turned five!
Thank you to our host sponsor for the event!

We would like to thank everyone who came out to celebrate our fifth anniversary with us! With the community's support, we were able to raise almost $2,500 for family programming and scholarships. We also had a ton of fun, and felt the love from all over the globe. Thank you for continuing to support this program!
The work isn't done, however. There are always families who need financial support to be able to participate in our services. Click the button below to set up monthly donation, or even just a one time donation today! You can choose to use Square, or PayPal.
Shoutout To our Sponsors for this event!

And our individual sponsors
Rick Brock
Julie Brock
Jim Brock
Sharon Johnson
Holly Fulmer-Best
Michael Burdette
James & Sheila Burdette
Malia Richmond
Craig Warman
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